Carved out by the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon (nearly 1,500 m deep) is the most spectacular gorge in the world. Located in the state of Arizona, it cuts across the Grand Canyon National Park. Its horizontal strata retrace the geological history of the past 2 billion years. There are also prehistoric traces of human adaptation to a particularly harsh environment.
From our members:
1353513636 visited from 3/12/2021 to 3/14/2021.
nitorch visited from 2/25/2018 to .
keita visited from 11/25/2017 to 11/26/2017.
da-peter visited from 5/27/2017 to 5/27/2017.
sethro99 visited from 3/24/2017 to 3/25/2017. It's Grand! Seriously, though, it is amazing. Read more! CarpeDiem99 visited from 5/5/2016 to 5/5/2016.
ryanbooth visited from 11/21/2015 to 11/23/2015.
kriskukul visited from 8/11/2015 to 8/11/2015.
empoweredh22 visited from 3/14/2015 to 3/15/2015.
sk4977 visited from 3/10/2015 to 3/10/2015.
schlotzsky visited from 11/2/2014 to 11/2/2014.
miles4more visited from 11/25/2013 to 11/27/2013.
DavidxBotts visited from 8/31/2012 to 9/3/2012.
stut visited from 8/11/2012 to 8/11/2012.
Read more! ms1664 visited from 5/21/2012 to 5/21/2012.
Dcdeacon7 visited from 5/12/2012 to 5/13/2012.
mefailenglish visited from 6/2/2011 to 6/2/2011.
loliver31 visited from 5/30/2011 to 5/31/2011.
DomBologna visited from 3/8/2010 to 3/8/2010.
rdhillier visited from 3/27/2009 to 3/29/2009.
bluefooted visited from 4/17/2008 to 4/18/2008.
Mackieman visited from 3/10/2008 to 3/11/2008.
Ella visited from 9/15/2007 to 9/15/2007.
cheep visited from 9/7/2007 to 9/8/2007.
themice visited from 5/1/2007 to .
YVR cockroach visited from 3/5/2006 to 3/5/2006.
harlandejohnson visited from 12/27/2005 to 12/27/2005.
billyliu visited from 8/15/2005 to 8/18/2005.
byronmullens visited from 6/8/2005 to 6/8/2005.
YVR cockroach visited from 5/29/2005 to 5/31/2005.
PostcardsAndPlaylists visited from 5/26/2003 to 5/26/2003.
Illini_Fan visited from 10/10/2002 to 10/10/2002.
miee_dar visited from 8/6/2000 to .
divot visited from 5/26/2000 to 5/29/2000.
davmllr visited from 9/1/1999 to 9/1/1999.
brooksbl visited from 6/12/1999 to 6/12/1999.
PittTrvlr visited from 8/15/1998 to 8/16/1998.
bellczar visited from 12/3/1995 to 12/3/1995.
YVR cockroach visited from 6/4/1994 to 6/4/1994.
mlindenberg visited from 7/30/1992 to 7/30/1992. Estimated timing NWGenie visited from 6/26/1992 to 6/27/1992.
keita visited from 8/7/1990 to 8/8/1990.
myf visited from 7/28/1988 to 7/28/1988. - pwedwards45 visited from 9/20/1986 to .
CharlieZeb visited from 8/18/1977 to 8/18/1977.
casualobserver visited from 8/4/1977 to 8/4/1977.
jhspinello visited from 7/24/1969 to 7/24/1969.
Nick shirleymlo satep matthewjberner Kathinjax hgottliebsen dwhotz ec12345 MarkyMarkTravel jfieve MarkyMarkTravel laurascott francesco710 JTangaere bkwebber snuggliestbear rradez mobihoc mike247worldwide vintagelemon joesmoe artworks andresmsv1 andimal geomedic pathansen hslomp joesmoeWith parents. joesmoe jorge fitzmaurice travellingblade higglepog osufrosh pacman66 SLOCouple blue79 sbandy mynameismud acunningham nonrevelite dsquared37 msv lastlittlebird Bulldog83 kelbyb bob9 venice4504 CubsFanJohnWent here in 2002 can't remember exactly cj333 mlbcard ssullivan monitor ls17031 flyer lizzydragon84 flugvergnugen piper28 dimis pbiflyer mhnadel chelmkamp dietrjm blancq trajan81 MarkyMarkTravel jasonvr JWTam karlym09 Karen638 Karen638 Karen638 Karen638 itzryan carlo roweboat1021 roweboat1021 roweboat1021 roweboat1021 lon cbrown2002 homerjsjs homerjsjs PittDoc PittDoc awinchester Ready2Go Ready2Go gschuber rclatsea rclatsea UWrenter15 passportphysician passportphysician passportphysician Katz Katz Katz celeste PreciousVeal heatherreimer bizarrogir enjean othello491 srdshelly54 srdshelly54 Cthompson14 pgem pgem MarkyMarkTravel 84fiero bselig1 rjb0467 rjb0467 shan1492 andy6c Scott6067 everybodyhatesatourist Dunkrog Dunkrog Dunkrog plequere Patrickmassey Patrickmassey Patrickmassey Patrickmassey Patrickmassey johnny5023 johnny5023 trenchcoatjedi mjwhittaker eiennoyorokobi eiennoyorokobi ricebucket smpresson smpresson driving_to_tdf tanga Adamnvillani ec1234 Shymom nkhemani sandersx22 sandersx22 Rddraper11 yawkeyway themice themice legalalien lnoires lnoires yakadayaka yakadayaka yakadayaka spgardner spgardner robbasax robbasax valentijn valentijn daichovo jmcgimpsey 9733dan MNappa93 ericdc98201 thewtd AndrewOnTheRoad farinelli mjwhittaker aklaft elwing dennybob dhatt14 timallen Heavenlyjane sandersx22 xalvarez2012 drlatorre Cscon gasiorr xxx ljdotson davidciani jbsacks DavidEllsworth tsuiwahhk briantoronto debistarr ogloeffler broadband00 sandersx22 jds907 lsokolow YVRcockroach slipcon anruiukimi thallxx1 genevaflyer allyk2 allyk2 allyk2 neverstoptravel dbutorac bqkali CanesLawMarty summersteve srdshelly miekoy cramer_3 fggtr1 skyvan begi0 sdm1130 bretta MarkyMarkTravel pboonpume inagaddadavida sergioperelli watkinstravel Fhardie ctcsherry shannonpursuing edekba ludosworld lizzardio arkleseizure gabarr bandana Majikow JoanneMortonJoseph EverythingEverywhere J4ZZS Kgrepin nob2sob dbutorac frederikgeth jcantrel adamg globecalledhome samik23 Sarahwi better_by_design vted3 smileycj1 dbutorac dbutorac jonathanwright31 jonathanwright31 tonibologna14 nhl1508 seaturtleguy Linda Bibb Peltzi Peltzi Peltzi okctraveler okctraveler okctraveler meganmorgan3016 rushn Dukie02 Dukie02 KCohn25364 KCohn25364 britcohn KCohn25364 antonius66 antonius66 martinpj toocheeky toocheeky StartinSanDiego lhua01 jsirett jsirett ScenicRoute_Kate justinmp azryane jessicakimmet Beedubsy Babybees mtclark john8888 hhnewmanmom Truls taramichel VoyagerX NewbieRunner KimW kcr Elena Elena sandersx22 thatwaseasy meezerman rgb2018 phatcase1234 courto875 byleung86 walkowiak11@gmail.com1996 MiekoYamaguchi